
It’s good to stay organized. I lost a whole day troubleshooting a chip, double checking the connections, checking the solder, resetting the boot loader, the software, my entire computer.

And it turns out that the display I was using-while looking exactly like another display I was using, had different drivers and threw the programming completely off.

For the nerds, the technical details are that I was trying to write a program to an Adafruit Itsy Bitsy M0 using the ST7735 library and drivers. Of course, the display I had actually wired up used the lesser know and cheaper TFT-ILI9163 drivers. Which are not compatible with the program I was trying to write to the chip, and cause the display to look weird.

When I finally realized this and switched the library, the chip worked. Since I buy lots of parts and different things, it’s always good to label your stuff and keep your things organized. You never know when it’ll help…

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