Orange PI Zero H5

I just got in the orange pi zero 2H5. I used the images provided by the orangepi website, and was able to get the little guy humming. It has a csi port, which is useful for a camera, and I just so happened to have one available from the original orange pi pc.

Downloading the image was easy. The lack of usb ports is a little frustrating unless you have a shield, so make sure you buy one first if you’re interested in using it with an interface. The hdmi port is nice, it will connect directly to a tv, but you’ll need to make sure that the tv is at least a 1080, because my first tv didn’t support the resolution. And you can’t change that by ssh into the unit, until you get it connected to your wireless network. Other than that, it’s speedy, impressive for such a small machine.

The footprint is as big as the normal orange pi zero, but it has an hdmi instead of network and usb ports. The same 13 pins for the extra usb ports and video out, etc are there, in the same spot. If you have a shield from the original orange pi zero, it will work here. I also grabbed the extra shield, which included more usb ports, as well as a SATA breakout. I’ll let you know how that works in an update.

Otherwise, this little guy is zipping, and if you need a quick and small ubuntu machine, this will do the trick.

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