Small screws/Apples Watches

Had to replace the force gasket in my Apple watch. Sometimes, when you take them apart, if you pry it too quickly, you can break the force touch gasket. Well I did. So then I had to open it back up and take almost all of the guts out in order to replace one small little gasket. And THEN I almost lost a screw. Turning to grab my phone sent the screwdriver flying, but the screw stayed put. Score points if you use a walled in tray or a magnetic tray because those become so useful and helpful for tiny screws.

You can actually see the tiny screw in one of the pictures. It’s small. And it’s a pain in the butt, but I got it and zipped it back together. The guide on Ifixit said it would take between 1.5 to 2 hours, but I knocked it out in 15 minutes or so. If you’ve done it before, it’s not that bad.

Take care of your small parts, people, they’re important.

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