Tip on this weird chip

It’s not often but I buy things from China so I should expect this. It’s a micro 3s-as it’s labeled, and I know I found it searching for Digisparks, but in anycase, it’s actually a Arduino Leonardo based chip-a 32U4. It’s tiny tho, with a usb connection built it, which makes it handy to plug directly into things. I made a small Neopixel controlled ring out of it for giggles and a Halloween effect, but I had a hard time changing the code after I uploaded once.

So, to help ANYONE else out that has one of these-you need to connect the 3v3 to Reset in order to reset the chip and communicate with the IDE. If you don’t-you won’t be able to upload and change any code. I found that out on a whim, so I was somewhat lucky, but I probably would have tossed it if I hadn’t been fiddling around with it. Typically you hold reset to ground or a different combination. That’s what worked for me. Anyway, it’s working now, and I’m just going to leave it as it, since it’s Halloween and all.

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