Fixing a Watch

So, sometimes it’s easy to fix a watch and sometimes it’s a colossal pain in the butt. This is probably towards the end of that pain in the butt spectrum, but it’s also pretty interesting to us, at least.

This is a Swarovski anniversary watch. It was made sometime in 2009, near as I can tell and by the inscription on the watch itself. The battery had died so we took it to a local shop to see what they could tell us. Apparently nothing.

Correctly Working Watch

SO we did what we always do and took it apart. It contains an early version of wireless charging technology, which is cool, but also bulky for the time. The battery itself was soldered to the main circuit board, so we had to de-solder it. As luck would have it, I had a spare fitting format battery available. It’s not the same, but only because battery tech has changed so much in the past 13 years that it’s now much battery. Once I soldered the new battery in it was up to the fun of putting it all back together.

Which was actually quite relaxing until it came to these tiny 4 screws that held the board to the frame of the watch. It took me a solid hour and a half to get those 4 screws in, and took some serious zen energy to calm down after dropping them a hundred times. Note to anyone doing this, make sure you have a good pad. I dropped them from standing height several times and somehow always found them but you may not be so lucky.

Anyway, after putting it back correctly, I’m happy to say it works. Neat thing to do/change/and know but the pics explain more.

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